Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Blog Post To The Galveston County Daily News August 13, 2009

Hello Everyone,

My name is Doreatha Walker, Director of Kids First Head Start in Hitchcock, Texas and I wanted to tell my story since the Superintendent is trying to tell it for me but he is not telling the truth, and is further damaging my reputation and character. I did not want to file the Whistleblower lawsuit, but I had no choice because I have been damaged, embarrassed, humiliated, defamed amongst other terrible things, and I did not deserve any of it. If I did not blow the whistle on fraud, I never would have been treated like a criminal and my livelihood would not have been harmed.

At the March Board meeting, the business manager came over to talk to me with my husband present and mentioned the transportation fraud that I did not go along with, but I had no proof at the time and I was never told that I was being placed on leave for any reason until after I did not go along with the fraud and on May 1, 2009 after being harassed at work by the Superintendent as well as 2 other employees at the administration office. I went and filed the workers compensation claim at the administration office after being asked to leave the campus and get a clearance from the doctor for gas fumes that were in the Head Start building on April 28, 2009, where I stated in an email that the fumes affected some of the staff members as well as myself, but I did not go to the doctor for the gas fumes in which I told the payroll person, and was the only one singled out and treated unfairly about the fumes.

The district payroll employee filled out a Worker's Compensation claim form for me concerning the Gas Fumes and I did not ask her to do so. I had the secretary to call Center Point energy after parents and I smelled the gas and I evacuated the building and Center Point Gas Company came out to the Head Start campus and they investigated the situation and stated that a pilot light had gone out in the oven, in the kitchen, conversation recorded. The Center Point Energy person stated the building smelled like mold when no one mentioned anything at first about mold and then some of the staff began to talk to her about the rooms smelling like mold and making them ill.

Many individuals in Hitchcock schools are afraid, especially Head Start individuals, to speak out about all of the wrong that goes on in the district, because look how they are treating me.

I drove from Houston to Hitchcock everyday proud to be the Director of Head Start with the children who adored me and I adored them as well as the teachers who really respected me and I always respected them as well. The parents loved me with exception of a few, who were conspiring against me with the superintendent and one employee at the campus. Every day, I did the job that I was hired to do. I wrote the 2.6+ million dollar grant by myself in addition to other great things that I was able to for the children, parents and staff at Head Start.

It saddens me to see that individuals could hurt someone as badly as I have been hurt and think that it is okay to do so. Throughout this situation, I have been respectful, kind and nice. I continue to be dogged in the media by the superintendent but no one holds him accountable. He is able to defame my character, humiliate me and now threatened termination again in this article.

God Bless You All Doreatha Walker

He continues to be untruthful, untrustworthy, backdate records, commit fraud and nothing is done to him. My hope is that one day the State will do something about this fraud in addition to what they are doing already by making the district pay back the money that was fraudulent, by taking it out of this 2008-2009 allotment of funds and that the Board will see that he is not good for the children, parents, staff or the district and take a stand that is long overdue.

In closing, mold was found in the school on pages 5 and 6 of the February 24, 2009 PSI report, it states, "Indicative of Fungal Amplification," and the Texas Department of Health Supervisor stated that means mold and mold growing, even though the superintendent stated that there was no mold to the staff and the council with parents, conversation recorded.

If you would like, ask to see the February 24, 2009 report and read all of the pages with emphasis on pages 5 and 6 for yourself. It is not ironic that my office is the office that the superintendent stated in the August 3, 2009, Galveston County Daily news article was the office sinking in the ground with the structural foundation problems.

In addition, The Galveston County Health inspector spoke with employees at Head Start and they stated to her that mold was making them ill, all documented.

If I did not speak out about the Fraud, I never would be in this situation today. I have been truthful and it is my duty to report Fraud and, that is what I did.

Hello Everyone,

This is the completion of my post earlier. Now, my family will suffer from the wrong doing on the superintendent's part and his family will not suffer and he will keep his job because no one holds him accountable. Everything that has been stated by me, I can prove with recordings as well as documents. I pray for everyone, including the superintendent.

May God Bless You All,

Doreatha Walker

Welcome To My Blog

Hello Everyone,

I would like to welcome you to "What Actually Happened, I Was There". Please post your opinions and comments on this site if you have any information that you would like to share.

God Bless You All